Thursday, March 8, 2007

I Get Lost


One of the things Christina & I wanted to do on this little site was introduce you to some guys we liked. Since he was on TV last night, why not start with one of my faves?

Ahhhh....Josh Holloway a.k.a. Sawyer on Lost. Such a hottie. I'm a sucker for the bad boys in shows & movies so he's perfect - a bad boy with a heart! If you don't watch Lost, he's worth it, trust me!

A little the Aerosmith video for "Cryin'", he was the guy that stole Alicia Silverstone's backpack and got kicked for it! He's so young in it but you can see shades of Sawyer peeking through! :)

Reasons to love him:

The boy looks hot wet...

And the dimples...

And the "I'm-gonna-kick-your-ass" look!

Sweet Dreams!

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